The Collusion of Hydra | Teen Ink

The Collusion of Hydra

May 14, 2019
By amtmc2019 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
amtmc2019 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I turned around and all I saw were three men chasing me! I was running ramped in the streets of New York, bumping into people as I tumbled through. I knew I should have never involved myself with that collusion. Those men are nothing but bad news.  The name of the organization was Hydra. It’s not my fault I found out their secret plan to take over the world. Now the people who I thought were my friends are trying to kill me! I found their treacherous actions repulsive and I knew if the time came, I had to eliminate them, along with the rest of the organization. I turned into an alley and managed to lose them.

I thought I was in the clear, and that I was going to have the chance to escape town. Unfortunately, I was wrong. As I walked backed toward the streets, I heard an approaching buzzing noise coming from the sky. It occurred to me that the skies were indeed the limits. It couldn’t possibly be what I thought it was. I hesitated to look upward, but with a gut-wrenching feeling, I did. Indeed, I was right… it was a drone! What the heck was going on!? I felt like I was filming a parody of “Spy Kids.” Was this a farcical joke to get back at me? Suddenly, the drone began to shoot at me!

I bolted toward the street, trying to avoid the bullets with the best of my ability, as they almost pierced through my skin. Unfortunately, I’m not the flash, which of course means one of the bullets pierced through my clothes, into my arm. I screamed in agony, as the bullet went passed my skin and hit a sinew. I was lucky enough that I didn’t get shot in the stomach, damaging my viscera. I once again hid behind a dumpster, which surprisingly worked, at least long enough for me to get away.

After the coast was clear, I decided that I wasn’t going to put with being threatened anymore. I knew I had to take matters into my own hand. I asked myself though, “How am I going to take down an organization as big as Hydra on my own.” Then I thought, “I know… Explosions!” So, I took a taxi to the nearest weapon shop and got a hold of a rocket launcher. Don’t ask how, just know it took a lot of convincing. Anyways, it was time for the hunter to be the hunted. I used my “special vision goggles” to find and track the drone. I wanted retribution for what they did, which probably isn’t the best solution. However, to me, their actions were not restitutive.

As I was approaching the location of these murderous men, I crossed paths with a man who was wearing a black hoodie. He turned around and didn’t hesitate to point a gun to my face. I communicated him my intentions and told him I was looking for this group of people. Turns out, he said he used to work for them but no longer does because he didn’t want to be a part of that anymore. His name was Octavius. I told him that they were hunting me down and so he helped me find the main headquarters located here in New York. The knowledge of this location was my acquisition and in return, I would compensate Howard with money.

My new accomplice led me straight to the men’s location. Their headquarters were extremely secure and very discrete. My heart was pounding, and my palms were sweating. Was I really going to do this, I thought to myself? As I stealthily approached the massive building, there were five men guarding the entrance, each holding a rifle. I lured each one away from each other and took them all out individually, using only a knife to their neck. Once I was in, I quietly made my way through the air ducts and found the biggest room in the HQ, the Combat Arena. Essentially, all the men who were trained agents were there training. I saw this as my window of opportunity. So, I used the rocket launchers I found in a weapons room and began blowing up all the men inside the arena. As body parts were being blown to bits, I felt no contrite whatsoever. Was God going to be ok with me not being penitent for my sins? At that moment, I didn’t care.

For some reason, I felt no sense of redemption or satisfaction. It was as if blowing all those men up was for nothing. Maybe it was, and I had just become a murderer. Regardless, I hoped karma would not come back to bite me where I sit. Unfortunately (Wow I’ve said that a lot, haven’t I?), that hope quickly faded when I received a message from an unknown number that read, “I have your best friend. If you ever want to see him, then do what you know is right.” My best friend was like my brother. His name is Gavin and I have known him since I was five. I couldn’t lose him. I would feel so alienated without him in my life. What was I going to do? My best friend would be exiled from existence if I didn’t turn myself in.

Suddenly, I feel my head spinning. My hands were quaking, and I was stiff as a board. I can’t think straight, and my mind seems to escape my body. Out of nowhere, I see a shadow from the corner of my peripheral view. The shadow uncannily came closer and I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. It was if my mouth was taped shut. Then, the shadow appeared right in front of me. My vision was blurry, but I could make out the form of a face, which was eldritch. When I looked closer, it was the face of Gavin, with his eyes gauged out. Dear God, I fell to my knees and began wailing.

Forget paying the consequences. I wasn’t about to let myself suffer through this. I decided I was going to do something so good and righteous that the world and God himself will have to forgive me for everything unbenevolent I did. I was to be a savior, and everyone would know it. I quickly thought about those who needed my help and then it came to me, the homeless. I hastily made my way to the poor parts of the city. I looked around to all the people who had nowhere to sleep or much to eat. I stole a helicopter from the Hydra HQ and headed to the sky. Then, I started making it rain money in those areas. I waved to everyone on the ground and yelled, “Merry Christmas!” I was Saint Anthony, and I hoped this would be enough to forgive myself. Turns out it was, because after that, I became Santa Clause at the Manhattan Mall.

The author's comments:

Hello. My name is Anthony M. I wrote this piece because I was inspired by the Avengers movie and wanted to write my own creative piece similar to the movie, in the form of a short story. It is an action-packed adventure story that involves a man who discovered a dark secret about a top-secret organization named Hydra. Follow him as he tries to avoid being killed and eventually does something that will change his life forever. And so, I’d like to thank the editor for taking their time to read my work. I hope they enjoy it.


Again, my name is Anthony M. I am 18 years old, a graduate of the School of Business and Management. I am from Dallas Texas, born and raised in Addison. I currently live in Seagoville, a rural town outside the city. I will be attending the University of Texas at Dallas, majoring in computer engineering. I have a passion for technology, specifically web design and programming. Since I was child, I was fascinated with the technology that was available at that time. Now, I get to pursue a career in that field and achieve my life long goal.

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