The Crash | Teen Ink

The Crash

April 10, 2019
By Anonymous

My head throbbed as I came to my senses and looked around me, I was in a small, two-propeller plane where you could feel every little bit of turbulence in.  “ You up Dan?” yelled Jarrold. “Wish I wasn’t ” I grumbled as I rubbed my head. Jerrold was an old friend from elementary school, we have been through nearly everything together; from each other's 6th-grade graduation to each other weddings we have been best friends. He’s a 5’8 ginger, green-eyed with a fiery temper. “Quit complaining!” hollered Matthew “It’s only been a 7-hour bumpy ride,” he said sarcastically, “ We are almost there anyway” he screamed from the cockpit.

“ Good” I yelled back. The plane’s twin engines were so loud you couldn’t even hear yourself think. Matthew, however, was used to this. He flew this plane on a weekly basis for his job, delivering packages or something, his job lets him keep the plane for recreational use but doesn’t allow him to fly the plane too far from the shipping center. Matthew was kind of enough to let us take a spring break getaway from our jobs to Nome, Alaska. We have to do this off the grid however, or Matt could get fired and probably have a lawsuit in his hands. He is a close friend to both Jerrold and I.

We kept on flying for about 15 more minutes before I noticed the blinker on the “LOW FUEL” sign. “ Is that normal?” I asked Matt “Yeah, happens all the time even if you have half a tank left, We should have plenty of gasoline anyways”. I trusted his word and thought nothing else about it until I felt a slowing in the plane’s speed, then a sputter at the engine, and finally, I felt no gravity holding me down and a feeling of quick descent. “ We are going down!” yells Matt. Jarrold and I both look at each other and immediately try to get a hold of the parachutes. “ I’m gonna try gliding the plane down!” Matt says. As the ground gets closer and closer he turns the nose of the plane up and starts to make the plane more parallel to the ground. The plane drives into a bunch of trees and everything goes black.  “Wake up Daniel! Wake up!” are the first words I heard as I came to my senses. “Oh good. He’s alive” said Matt with a sigh of relief, he had a large cut on his face and a piece of metal stuck in his shoulder. I turned to Jarrold and, to my shock, he had a hunk of shrapnel going clean through his leg; he was extremely pale and was groaning softly.

“He’s going to bleed out by sundown,” said Matt gloomily.

“Don’t talk like that” I snapped back quickly

“ We are lucky if we get through the night ourselves,” he says as he points to my arm, or what’s left of it. My arm is bent the wrong direction and I can’t even feel it.

We all get up and try to get to civilization. We only were about thirty minutes of flying time from our destination. We all crawl/walk to a hut we found in the woods, as we opened the door we saw mannequins exactly our size and wearing our clothes with the exact same injuries on our bodies. “What the hell?” I muttered softly. We ignore this warning and keep on trying to establish a connection with the world. Matt goes out to the wreckage to look for the radio. I sat down next to the window and watched him walk away, as I lean against the window I watched the snow rise slowly; one inch, two inches, three inches. I turned to Jarrold “ how long has been away?”. No response. “Jarrold” I repeat. He is sitting on the rocking chair slumped over really pale. “Jarrold?” I say a little bit worried. I walk over and feel his pulse, nothing. He’s dead. Just as the feelings start to rush to me I hear a horrid scream “ LOCK THE DOOR DANIEL!” I limp to the window quickly. I catch a glimpse of Matt just before he is shot from behind. The snow below him turns red. My world as I know it is gone. I look up, there are 8 tall black figures looking at me. They walk slowly at me. I stumble back and my mind races “ What am I going to do when this is over?” the question is irrelevant. They are outside and I hear laughing. As the room turns black I see the door burst open.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by a movie I saw

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