Time elapse | Teen Ink

Time elapse

January 22, 2019
By Anonymous

            This is the story of how it all began. Someone had changed the course history and made it to where the meteor that wiped out the entire dinosaur species never hit earth. My name is James I’m one of the few people left on this earth along with the dinosaurs. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen another human I began to wonder to myself if I’m the only one left with these monstrous things. I’m starting to think it’s not only dinosaurs out here I think there’s a new type of thing out here. Like a new type of breed or new species that came from who knows where. But I haven’t seen this new thing, yet I’ve only heard the terrifying screams coming from the jungle. Every night the screams become screeches and they get louder and louder until everything goes quiet and I can hear the crickets in the jungle. The next morning, I exit the building to go and salvage whatever I can from local stores and super markets. But they were all empty and then I heard it the terrifying screams of the night. I call it the night howler. I duck as fast as possible hoping it didn’t see me I wait there on the ground to see if I can hear the night howler’s footsteps. But nothing just silence I wondered to myself if the night howler even had feet because I’ve never heard the night howler besides the screams at night I didn’t even think they came out during the day, but I was wrong. Then I heard it a voice yelling outside of the shop “don’t look at it” as I hear a glass bottle break then a bright light illuminating from outside. So, I went to check and see if the person was hurt. I look out the shop window to find myself looking at a woman with a blindfold on. She takes the blindfold off her to see me staring at her with a blank face from the shop window. She yells to me “have you looked at these monsters” I replied no I haven’t I’ve only heard their terrifying screams in the night this is the first I’ve heard of that come out in the day. May I ask why you are blind folded the woman says, “I am blindfolded because when you get a look at these monsters or whatever you want to call them just a look has the ability to make you go insane and have the urge to kill”. So you blind fold yourself to keep from looking at the night howlers I asked? The woman replied, “yes so far, it’s the only way to not look at them because they can’t touch you they try to persuade you with things you love or voices you like”. The woman turns and walks towards a road map she points to a small institution and says “if you want a place to stay there is at least a dozen of people in this institution you can take shelter there if you would like it’s the only safe place I know of at the moment” I said thanks and proceeded to walk the path to the institution. I remembered the woman had told me it was a three day walk from that shop, so I had two and a half days to go. So, I proceeded to walk the path and then there I was a day into the walk and I heard a whistle it sounded just like my dad’s whistle from when I was a kid it was so nice hearing it again. Then I heard what seemed to be my father’s voice telling me to turn around but then I remembered my father died 20 years ago in a car incident, so it couldn’t have been him telling me to turn around. Then I heard it the ferocious night howler scream I looked to my right and saw nothing I looked to my left and there it was a broken-down gas station I hurry up and ran towards the door. I heard my father’s voice steadily getting closer to me, so I ran faster until I ran inside the run-down gas station and locked the door behind me. I turned and walked towards the shelfs and proceeded to grab food and water for my two-day trip. Then I saw the monster that I feared the most and it was standing right there in front of me one of the most dangerous predators amongst all dinosaurs the velociraptor.

The author's comments:

Awsome story

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