super hero | Teen Ink

super hero

January 10, 2019
By Anonymous

One day after school me and my friend Tyler wanted to meat up at the Layton park to talk about our powers and what we were going to do with them and how we could use them to help people and not hurt people. When we got to the park to talk about it, we discussed that we are going to help people and not let people know who we were and our names. We had to go home, and we left the park and right as both of us were about to split up a white van pulled up and two big buff men got out of the side doors and hit us in the head knocking us out.

We woke up when it was dark, I'm assuming because it was cold and dark in the van. We sat in the van for about 5 minutes and then the doors opened and the first thing and the first thing I saw was rock and water. From the looks of it, it looked like a cave that was in a mountain. It was cold dark and scary. Me and Tyler weren't too sure what we were going to do. When the doors opened, we ran for it we weren't too sure where we were going to run to but if we got away, we would be fine. When we got far enough to hide, we saw two super hero suites hanging in a big glass cylinder.

We stopped looked at each other took a deep breath and realized what was going on. We got out from hiding and went back to the van. We acted like nothing happened and asked if they knew what we had with us. They knew what we meant, and they said yes, we know about the powers and we know what is going on. They told the both of us that they can help us and improve our powers even more and make them better. We said yes, we would like that. 

They told us how to improve our powers, but we weren't going to be albe to do them tonight because we had to go home and go to school the next day, so they told us that we must come back after school and work on them, so we said okay. So, we went home went to bed woke up and got ready for school. We both were super happy to get the powers ready so we both skipped last period of school and when we got the cave, we told them both that we got out early. They believed us and help us get our powers better, it took a while to get them better but we both got them to be better eventually and we both were ready to go out and fight after a few days.

But before we were able to go, they had to tell us things, things like we could see people die, see people get hurt or injured bad. And things like having us kill people for another person or making a choice for the person we care about or for the person we don’t know. They told us that it would be hard and scary, and It could also be sad if someone we care about dies. They also let us know that before we go out we need to have suites so they gave us the two suites sitting in the glass cage and they let us go out and kick some bad guy butt.

The author's comments:

i love to write

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