The D Street Story | Teen Ink

The D Street Story

December 21, 2018
By Joseph209 BRONZE, Stockton, California
Joseph209 BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day Tyler was walking down the block. The cops were already looking for him because of what he did. He didn't mean to do it but he had to do it for his kids, his wife, his family. Tyler was a confused young man that tried his hardest to fit in but nothing had worked for him  he was just an outcast. This hurt him but it had also struck determination for him to come out of his struggles and make a better living for himself. And that is what he did. He went to Stanford University and had graduated with a 4.0 GPA. He was just the first one in his family to go to college he was the smartest. But while he was there he had finally got his fit in. But wasn't the crowd everybody would thought Tyler got into. He became part of the D Street crip gang. But he wasn't like the other he knew when to do something that was right instead of doing the wrong thing to get him or anybody he loved hurt. Tyler’s  mother was a smart young lady she had the chance to go to college and graduate with honors but she had gotten pregnant mid senior year with Tyler’s older brother Derek. She tried to go back to school but then had gotten pregnant again this time with Tyler. She tried once more to go back but her boyfriend ran off with a young girl with no children. Tyler was three years old when this happened so he really never had a male role model to get him through life teaching him how to be a man. His mother was working to jobs for his education and Tyler had taken full advantage with it. Tyler was very thankful for what his mother had done for him and he told hern “Mom I am forever in your debt.”

During school Tyler had met a nice girl named Amber she came from the same type of family that he had and ever since they got to know each other they had been inseparable ever since then. They were dating from their college freshman year until Tyler had ask her to marry him in the junior year. 2 months after their wedding she had gotten pregnant. Tyler had made a vow to not ever leave his family under any circumstance. In his senior year he, his wife, and newborn Tyler Jr daughter depretally needed some money. He had asked his friends from the D Street crips if he can borrow and payed them back but they all said “no sorry man i don't got it but we can put you on a job.” He had denied this. His mind was telling him to do it for his family but his heart was telling him no because he knew something was going to happen. Then he told his friend “Ok I’ll do it tell me about it”. His friends had explained the plan to him it was a murder and robbery on their rival gang the Riverside Bloods. Tyler knew it was a stupid idea, but he had to do it or else he and his family will go homeless. He kept it a secret from his wife, but she could tell that something was wrong. Then the night came and Tyler had dressed in all black and told his wife “honey they called me back into work so i got to go handle this.”

He meets up with his friend and says “you ready Jamal?”

He nodded and replied “you know it, the real question is are you ready?” Tyler laugh and gets in the car and clocks a bullet into the chamber of the Glock 9 “I was born ready.”

They drove off and seen the Riverside leader alone. Tyler gets out the window and yell “D Street punk!” and releases the clip into the leader of the Riverside Blood leader. Jamal gets out of the car and picks up the bag that their rival had. It read “money for David Cain.”

Jamal looked inside the bag and told Tyler “there is at least 450,000 dollars in here man enough for both of us to be happy.”

Tyler had gotten out of the car and hug Jamal in joy “thank you for this brother.’’

Jamal was confused and then asked “what do you mean?”

Tyler put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger “for all this money.” He got back into the car and drove off quickly. He was not thinking straight his family was on his mind he was having terrible thoughts of what the Riverside Bloods can do to his family. He drove fastly down the street a little to fast that a cop that was monitoring the speed of the drives seen he was going 120 mph. So the cop did his job, he put on his lights and began to chase him. Tyler was to fast for the cops to catch and he knew the town like the back of his hand so he had an advantage on the police. He was turn at any chance he had. After 30 minutes Tyler had escaped. He went to an empty field where the backup car was and he put gasoline inside the car and lit it on fire. He jumped in the getaway car and drove off. He had gotten home and all the lights were off and he was confused, he left the money in the garage and proceeded inside. As soon as he walk inside the house he gets hit by a Riverside Blood in the side of the head with a pistol.”Where is the money at and I’m going to make this easy for you get it or else see your girl’s brains all over the floor.”

Tyler spit out the blood inside his mouth “ man what the hell are you talking about, are you on crack or something.” The blood hits him again this time more blood leaking from Tyler “ I'm not playing.”

Tyler laughs “ you not going to do shit.”

The blood gets Amber and puts a gun to her head “ you want to test that?”

Tyler gets up and tells them “ It's in the garage in the bag now get it and leave.”

The three men go in the garage leaving him alone, but instead of letting them have the money he goes to his dresser and grabs his gun and goes in the garage and kills the three men. He goes inside and says to his “I'm so sorry, But we got half a million now.” Three hours later more people came to his house, but its wasnt the Riverside Bloods it was his gang the D Street Crips. It turns out that Jamal survived the shot due to a metal plate in his skull. “It was so simply it was like taking candy from a baby” a crip named little Trey said. Amber grabs the bag and the baby and snakes out into the garage. Tyler laughs “yeah it was, but I know you’re never going to find that money. Trey get a gun out and pulls the trigger of a 1911 45. Cal gun into Tyler’s skull. Amber drove away heart broken. She knows what had happened to Tyler, but to keep her child safe she had to make sure that she was alive too. Tyler was scared this was going to happen but he did it anyway. “It didn't have to be this way man” Trey said hold his limp hand. “Search this house of that cash and take anything of value.” Amber had left the state with the baby. She had eventually bought a house with the money and in every room hung and picture of her late husband.

After 2 years she lived safely but one day late at night she heard a car pull in front of her house she got worried quickly. She ran to Tyler Jr’s room to check in on him and she seen three men with business suits walking up to her doorstep. Amber thinking quickly ran to the her room and called the cops then got her gun and proceeded down stairs. She open the door “hello?” The man smiled and told Amber “My name is David Cain and i believe you have something of mine.” She slams the door and runs away fast. The men shoot the lock and she hold the gun up to them and yells “get out of here.” But David twisted her hand and put the gun to her head “tell me where is my money.”She wouldn't say anything because she knew better than to do that and lose everything she had.Slowly and quietly the cops surrounded the house and sniped down Davids worker. David surrendered quickly. The cops took Amber took in for questioning. Then realized that she didn't  have to live the rest of her life inside fear. Although she must live with the pain of losing her first love. She will also have to deal with raising her child alone.

The author's comments:

This was a story that I thought of first inside the 7th grade. I finally wrote the story and in class I got a lot of credit for it.

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