Water Droplet Adventures | Teen Ink

Water Droplet Adventures

December 7, 2018
By Anonymous

Finally! lt is time to begin my descent to the earth from that heavy gray cloud that l was stuck in. The day has come when l will at last be able to touch land and begin my first cycle. Huh. That is weird, l never thought land would be so blue. Wait a minute...that is the ocean! Oh no l have heard some crazy stories about animals and currents. *plop* Hey this place is not so bad. But l am being tugged very hard for some reason. That must be the global conveyor belt. l must have gotten caught in it since it begins on the surface of the ocean and that is right where l happen to have landed. Oh geez l am really cold and salty. That must mean that l am right at the beginning of the belt since it begins in the cold, salty waters in the North Atlantic. l am being moved in to replace the sinking water l guess. Now l am sinking! As l join the deep water l start moving south and, from what l have heard, l will go between the continents, past the equator, and down to the ends of Africa and South America. l mean it is no land, but l guess l am okay with this journey because l will get to see a lot more of the world, rather than simply falling and evaporating up into the clouds once again.

*Weeks later* Wow this experience has been amazing! l have gotten to see so many different lands and l have met many other water droplets that have done so much in their lives! The water has been getting warmer so maybe my journey will soon be over.

*A Few More Weeks later* l take it back l am freezing! l wonder what tha- woah woah woah…am l sinking again? Alright so l just asked a good buddy of mine and he said that we just reached the Antarctic, meaning we are going to sink again and continue riding the current. He is such a good friend of mine. Wait, why are we going in different directions? Oh no! l am heading to the lndian Ocean, but he is going to the Pacific! l really hope we can meet up again someday.

l have begun to warm up again and am looping back southward, huh seems like l am going right back to where l started. Wow l am getting awfully close to the surface. OMG! l evaporated again! Bummer, l was starting to enjoy being part of this vital system.

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