The Neighborhood I Called Home | Teen Ink

The Neighborhood I Called Home

September 21, 2018
By Sydddmurinkaaa BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Sydddmurinkaaa BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The roaring streets throughout the day echo within the air and make for a deafening sound. Neighbors left and right socialize day and night in the busy city of Auburn. As morning rises, workers are racing down the windy roads hoping to arrive on time. Throughout the day, the streets become almost bare, as if it was a painted picture, frozen in time. Once rush hour escalates, the air once again becomes full from the absorbed sounds surrounding the neighborhood. Then, when night approaches, the town remains rambunctious with cheers and laughter from all around.

As summer nearly begins, the city embarks on many new changes for this upcoming year. Early risers take on the streets of Auburn and begin their maintenance on the pothole filled roads. At dawn, the blue collar individuals commence on the journey to make the streets safe again. While the rigorous drudgery endures, people traveling through the ongoing construction are put to a pause as laborers work tirelessly to fix these roads we explore daily. Coming to the realization of putting the whole city to adjourn, drivers shout outside their car windows hoping for smoother movement. As workers become more and more agitated with the disrespect given, their patience grows minimal. They soon vacate for the day and return home to rest up before yet another tireless day at work repeated.

The leisure running creek that circulates through the neighborhood is a popular spot for children to explore their childhood. Days filled with giggles vibrate within the ears of their parents. As the laughter of children radiates through the neighborhood, tiny footprints will appear through one’s backyard along the numerous travels and pathways these children will endure. Once night falls, the frequent rumble of a car engine will die down, the laughter turns into whispers, and the lights begin to dim. Beneath the hazy clouds above the pitch black night sky, constellations will shoot through the waving trees and multiply by the hour. Construction has now terminated for the day, only to restart when dawn arises.

Pedestrians walk lasidasically across the street to retrieve their mail and wait at the edge of the solid yellow line until it is clear to return to their house. The construction is ambient throughout the city all day and into the late night. As one walks steadily by, the construction workers and neighbors, exchange hellos. In the early morning as the mailman reruns his daily route, elders tend to rest on their porch, sipping a steaming cup of tea while reading the daily newspaper provided. Scurrying back in with their spouse, couples watch the nine o'clock news, further educating themselves on the upcoming events taking place throughout our country. As the lazy day drags on, socialization continues between the neighbors simultaneously.

As each day is much alike the previous, my neighborhood becomes more comforting to live in with a sense of a warm and welcoming environment. Most may refer to it as bothersome, but I call it home.

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