Bard | Teen Ink


June 26, 2008
By FeedTheBirds SILVER, San Diego, California
FeedTheBirds SILVER, San Diego, California
6 articles 0 photos 82 comments

The first and possibly the most important thing you should know about Bard is that it is isolated. What constitutes a 'town' in the area around Bard is if it has a stop light. The nearest city, Poughkeepsie, is 40 minutes away by car (and in the winter car travel is not advised). Bard is essentially besieged by trees and while it is beautiful it can give one the feeling of complete isolation.

Bard, acknowledged as one of the most liberal colleges, has a small but wacky and artsy atmosphere to its student body. A large number of students are from the New York area. A concern is the campus's 'white affluent' image (and in fact diversity is low).

Once you adjust to the surroundings Bard reveals itself to be a stellar academic institution. Bard's freshman curriculum is kicked off by a three week summer program - Language and Thinking - which introduces students to their peers and to a liberal arts education through creative writing. Professors are at the top of their fields and students have incredible flexibility in their schedules.

Bard has excellent stepping stones for students interested in non-profits and traveling abroad.

Bard offers one of the top (if not the top) liberal arts educations in the country.

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This article has 3 comments.

miky said...
on Sep. 29 2014 at 11:17 am
thx for the comment to lol

on Sep. 29 2014 at 10:53 am
AnginiqueAndrews BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 3 comments
Thanks for giving your advice on how your college experience . This article makes me think about attending Bard

on Jul. 4 2009 at 1:00 am
TheHandThatWieldsThePen SILVER, Shapleigh, Maine
5 articles 0 photos 74 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Let's waste time
chasing cars
around our heads."
--Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

"I do believe it's true
there are roads left in both of our shoes
if the silence take you then I hope it takes me too."
--Soul Meets Body by Death Cab For Cutie

Thanks for writing this! I am planning on going to this college in five years, I'm only thirteen its a long story. Anyway, I knew it was a good college, but I wanted a firsthand account. It really is an incredible college, but very little known.