Lyndon State College | Teen Ink

Lyndon State College MAG

By Anonymous

   Lyndonville, VT: Lyndon State College is beautifully situated in Vermont's northeast kingdom. It consists of 175 acres, and provides recreational activities such as skiing and hiking. The town itself is quite rural but shopping centers are close by.

LSC is a small college by design and provides a 17: 1 student/faculty ratio. Academically, there is something for nearly everyone at Lyndon State College. Courses such as business, computer science, education, and even specifics such as meteorology and psychology are all offered. To the advantage of the student, there are no classrooms larger than fifty students, which provides the one-on-one educational experience.

Lyndon's varied course range illustrates the diversity of the students enrolled. The campus provides a theater, a fully-equipped performing arts center, and even a historical museum. Like the facilities, Lyndon's residents halls are molded around student needs. These accommodations help provide life both on campus and off.

Lyndon State College is efficient financially and educationally. Lyndon is equipped with all the tools needed for learning with a good assortment of social and academic activities. If personal assistance, small classes, and a varied athletics program are what you're seeking, Lyndon State College would be a sound choice. n

Reviewed in 1993

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