University Of Hartford | Teen Ink

University Of Hartford MAG

By Anonymous

   W. Hartford, CT: The University of Hartford is situated on a beautiful suburban campus in Connecticut. It has the diversity of a large university and the personal caring attention of a small college. You can choose from over seventy majors offered through nine schools and colleges including Arts and Sciences, Business, Engineering, Health Professions and Arts and Music. Even though you have chosen a major, you can still take courses in the other schools. There are over four thousand undergraduate students.

Because I am interested in engineering, I concentrated my tour on the School of Engineering. They had a panel of professors and students who were very informative and impressive. After listening and talking with them, we were taken on a tour of the labs. The equipment wasn't the most expensive, but it was the type of equipment from which you could really learn the fundamentals of engineering.

Hartford has many other facilities which include a computer center, library, student union, Lincoln Theater and a newly constructed sports center with a pool, basketball arena, racquetball courts and strength and conditioning equipment. The University has a wide range of clubs and organizations, intercollegiate and intramural sports and many cultural activities on campus and in nearby cities. Both mountains and beaches are within an hour or two drive from campus.

A majority of students live on campus where there is a great amount and variety of housing. New students stay in residence hall complexes and upperclassmen stay in different types of apartments where they make their own meals if they choose. n

Reviewed in 1993

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