Skyrim | Teen Ink


May 14, 2013
By OddFutureChappy BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
OddFutureChappy BRONZE, Welch, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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What do you think is the best game ever made? Battlefield? Or Call of Duty? Or how about Skyrim. In my opinion Skyrim is the best of all time. This game has so much to do you’ll never want to put the controller down. But theres more to than just that though. You need to figure out puzzles to open secret passageways or doors. Pick wrong and theyre might be consequences. In this I’ll explain how great of a game this is, who created it, what to do in it, and the main summary of it.

In this game you could literally play it for hours on end and still not be done with all of it. If you really wanted to, you could have two hundred plus hours put into this. This is a combat game of using bows and arrows, magic, swords, maces and axes. Or even taming a dragon for a short amount of time and riding it. That part is on if you have the Downloadable content called Dragonborn. Which I recommend getting.

This game was released on November eleventh, two thousand eleven. Although it was being processed or made in two thousand seven. The game was made by Bethesda. A leading game company that makes the best Role Playing games out their. Bethesda has stopped making Downloadable content for Skyrim. They are moving onto another project. Hopefully another game like this one, but even more epic.
This game has countless ideas, things, quests to do. Theres so much to I’ve almost completed everything twice. In the beginning it start’s off in the back of a wagon heading to a town thats where you thought you were going to be executed. Instead a fierce dragon swoops down out of nowhere and burns down the whole town. But before you escape the town it gives you a choice to fight with the rebellion or against it. That’s what many people like about this game, that you get to make your own choices and what not. Playing just the main quest line could take up to fifteen hours! You are a man that many call in the game Dragonborn. Your job is to end the dragons by slaying them and then absorbing their power so they’ll never come back. There are also other questlines available that the gamer can do. Like joining the Dark Brotherhood to become an assassin, even becoming the Guild Master at the Thieves Guild, and even becoming the Arch-Mage at the College of Winterhold. So much to do!
This game could be played at third or first person camera view which makes it even more awesome. The area around the player makes it feel like you're actually their. There is literally endless quests to do. This is probably one of the best games made in history of Video Gaming. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't.
All in all this is the best Role Playing, not to mention the best game in the entire world. But then again that’s my opinion. Bethesda's worst mistake was not continuing with this game longer than two years. But overall I don’t think anyone would put down the controller for anything while playing this game.

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This article has 2 comments.

grelof said...
on Oct. 7 2014 at 1:23 pm
skyrim is amazing.

on Jan. 15 2014 at 2:22 pm
Tara_Bites SILVER, La Porte, Texas
8 articles 1 photo 36 comments

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"Never take advice from teenagers. Because they don't know what the h*** they're talking about!" -Me

You got that right, man. Skyrim is the best game in the world!!! I have so far put at least over 50 hours into my game, but all I managed to do was kill the emperor of Tamriel.