competition | Teen Ink


June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, there was a tortoise and a hare in a forest. They were both friends, so one day they were walking and the tortoise hit one of them and fell. The hare teased the tortoise and the tortoise got very angry. Went closer. And then the matter fell apart. Then the lion prepared a paddadi. Whoever jumps to the finish line first will get married to the quill and so many people have come to see the race between the tortoise and the hare. Then the race started and the tortoise was going slowly and the rabbit was going at a good pace, then the rabbit felt something, the mother was going slowly, then she took some rest and the rest of the day, so the rabbit fell asleep. At this time, the tortoise slowly blossomed and went near the rabbit and struck the first blow. Angene lived as Quill's husband for a long time.

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