Teen Ink

Books & Novels


By TheGoodTwin
Fort Mill, South Carolina
TheGoodTwin, Fort Mill, South Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 70 comments

Favorite Quote:
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.


By Anonymous
By XandraAle BRONZE
Cheesequake, Delaware
XandraAle BRONZE, Cheesequake, Delaware
2 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
I beseech you, punish me not with your hard
thoughts; wherein I confess me much guilty, to deny
so fair and excellent ladies any thing. But let
your fair eyes and gentle wishes go with me to my
trial: wherein if I be foiled, there is but one
shamed that was never gracious; if killed, but one
dead that was willing to be so: I shall do my
friends no wrong, for I have none to lament me, the
world no injury, for in it I have nothing; only in
the world I fill up a place, which may be better
supplied when I have made it empty.

By SammiiGail BRONZE
Lansing, Kansas
SammiiGail BRONZE, Lansing, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
& keep your head up kid, because there are people killing to see you fall.

By KaonKiroko BRONZE
Bakersfield, California
KaonKiroko BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
2 articles 1 photo 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your thoughts become your words.
Your words become your actions.
Your actions become your habit.
Your habit becomes your character.
Your character becomes your destiny."

Black_Veil_Bridesmaid GOLD, Frisco, Texas
10 articles 2 photos 93 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sui.icide is not cowardly. What is cowardly is making somebody hurt so much they want to kill themselves." Ashley Purdy
"Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon, and thats pretty much the same thing." Andy Biersack
"Your not alone" Andy B

By shoopshoop3713 GOLD
Litchfield, New Hampshire
shoopshoop3713 GOLD, Litchfield, New Hampshire
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments
By JCVeggigirl BRONZE
Fayetteville, North Carolina
JCVeggigirl BRONZE, Fayetteville, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To Thine Own Self Be True- Hamlet, William Shakespear
At Least I Tried- Sisterhood Everlasting, Ann Brashares
I don't need an alarm clock, my ideas wake me- Ray Bradbury
In three words I can sum up life, it goes on. - Robert Frost

MissPinkShoes GOLD, Mumbai, Other
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments
By MariaMarie DIAMOND
Washington Court House, Ohio
MariaMarie DIAMOND, Washington Court House, Ohio
70 articles 0 photos 181 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's a mountain on a beach"-Unknown
"Will: This is either madness or brilliance. Sparrow: It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."-Pirates of the Caribbean:Curse of the Black Pearl.

onesillybookworm BRONZE, Hogsmeade, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you're halfway through hell, keep going"
Winston Churchill

By DavidRain BRONZE
Carson, Washington
DavidRain BRONZE, Carson, Washington
2 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only Dead can know the end

By TheCreepyNeighbor BRONZE
Plymouth, Massachusetts
TheCreepyNeighbor BRONZE, Plymouth, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
You know my name. Not my story.

By aidan44 PLATINUM
Verona, Wisconsin
aidan44 PLATINUM, Verona, Wisconsin
23 articles 0 photos 3 comments
By pamplemousse93 PLATINUM
State College, Pennsylvania
pamplemousse93 PLATINUM, State College, Pennsylvania
20 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday."

By ColinMalone BRONZE
Jamison, Pennsylvania
ColinMalone BRONZE, Jamison, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments