RCR Iogo | Teen Ink

RCR Iogo

June 14, 2012
By DanielM SILVER, kent, Washington
DanielM SILVER, Kent, Washington
6 articles 1 photo 245 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I would rather hated million times for what i did then loved a million times for what i didn't do." - Daniel Moto
" I've sought out to be the best i could posibly be but when i hit a roadblock in life what did i do, i had two choices either stay at the roadblock or i take this roadblock and make of it and go around it and achieve my goal. So, what will it be?"- Daniel Mathia

"People take love like its a four letter word or just a phrase that you tell people or your friends all the time. But in reality love is much bigger than a merely phrase or 4 letter word. Instead love is a genuine promise or covenant to that special person."-Daniel Mathia

“Why change yourself when you were made perfect and wonderfully by the creator of everything?” – Daniel Mathia

“If live is not hurtin then were really not living in.” – B. Reith

This is a logo that i made for my club. Its a mirrored image of RCR.

Tags: Teens

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This art has 4 comments.

on Jul. 12 2012 at 8:07 am
hippiechick99 GOLD, Mesquite, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 224 comments

Favorite Quote:
"... How dreary to be somebody-- How public like a frog;
To tell one's name; the livelong June-- To an admiring bog"
-Emily Dickinson

This looks really cool and it could be good for a club, but what club is RCR? Just wondering....

DanielM said...
on Jun. 20 2012 at 12:56 pm
Its a Christian club. Thanks for the comment

on Jun. 19 2012 at 10:30 am
AugustSummerFling PLATINUM, Mylapore, Chennai, Other
35 articles 0 photos 265 comments

Favorite Quote:
'For you, a thousand times over.' - Hassan, The Kite Runner

A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.

hey tis is cool! simple but good :) btw, what club is it?? is it going to be printed on ur club t-shirts? It will look great :) please check out my work 'Just like the old times' ;) thank you :)

Bobble said...
on Jun. 19 2012 at 8:29 am
Bobble, Flowery Branch, Georgia
0 articles 10 photos 18 comments
It is just kind of plain but it is alright what is the club?