Alone girl | Teen Ink

Alone girl

March 22, 2022
By bakhtawar_abid255 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
bakhtawar_abid255 PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
37 articles 6 photos 13 comments

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The Best & the most beautiful things in this world can't be seen or even heard,
but must be felt with the Heart.❤️

A girl who was standing alone and wanted to touch the beautiful butterflies so that she can easily feel the beauty of butterflies.

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This art has 1 comment.

on Mar. 28 2022 at 3:52 pm
Me2008 PLATINUM, Houghton, New York
23 articles 104 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
And one day, the girl with the books became the woman writing them.

I love the simple beauty and detail of it!