What my school is like! | Teen Ink

What my school is like!

December 16, 2010
By Maycee75,CountryChick BRONZE, Sulphur, Oklahoma
Maycee75,CountryChick BRONZE, Sulphur, Oklahoma
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

At my school we have alot of fun ,but sometimes i just want to move far away from this place.I played football and im the only girl on the team.I love the sport it is so much fun, But it is so crazy when we have people stealing cleets, and dont get me started about the stupid drama!I know that we are in Jr. High and its the time to have lots and lots of drama but a person can only deal with so much...I mean its time to grow up hello your a teen, but thats what friends are for! They are their so you can talk to them. i hope you liked my artical thx for reading!

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